The Dance of Our Cells

Ari discusses immunology with De-Witte Orr: an Associate Professor in the Departments of Health Sciences and Biology at Wilfrid Laurier University. In fact, she is the recipient of Laurier’s Early Career Research Award, the Robert G. Boutilier New Investigator Award from the Canadian Society of Zoology and the Young Scientist Award from the Society For In Vitro Biology, in which she was the first Canadian recipient. In 2021, she discovered a new cell line to use as a model for studying coronaviruses. They converse about cells, their potency, the immune system, circumstances that influence immunity (like genes versus environmental factors), day in the life, the path to becoming an immunologist, and lots more. They also play a GAME and compare organelles in the cell to foods!! The cell membrane reminded her of jello…


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